So you have entered - congratulations! Please carefully read through the below information to ensure you are ready to roll for race day!
Race Number & Race Pack Collection:
Front Runner Ashburton- 28 Moore Street, Ashburton
Friday 22nd November - 10.00am to 5.00pm
Saturday 23rd November - 10.00am - 11.30am
If you are unable to collect your Race Number & Race Pack on these days, please come to the Tarbotton Land & Civil Registration container prior to the Race Briefing. We do encourage Race Numbers & Race Packs to be collected at the above times to alleviate congetstion on Race Day!
Compulsory Race Briefing: 8:45am
Start times: Staggered starts from 9.00am. Beginning with the 35km individual MTB.
Race Day Timetable
8.45: Race briefing (This is compulsory)
9.05am: 35 km Race start
9.10am: Duathlon and 23 km bike to start together
9.15am: 21 km Run
9.30am: 12 km Bike
9.35am: 12 km Walk
9.45am: 5 km Run/Walk
Please note: For our longer distance events, there are crossings that will require the entrace onto the site to be temporarily closed (this will be operated by a marshall). It is recommended that you are on site by 8.30am for race briefing. Expect congestion along Longbeach Road. We are unable to wait for competitors should you be late.
Prize Giving for ALL events at 12.00pm- Be sure to stay around for this and to cheer on those crossing the finish line!
Just a few reminders to ensure you are 'good to go' on Sunday:
- CASH only at the venue - there will be food & drink and coffee vans on site (the nearest ATM is in Ashburton!) There is limited mobile phone coverage on site so there will not be eftpos available)
- Race numbers can be picked up Friday 22nd Nov - 10am-5pm or Saturday 23rd Nov - 10am-11.30am at the Ashburton Frontrunner (the Registration Tent will be open on Race Day at 7.30am, however this is a very busy time so we would HIGHLY recommend you do pick it up on the Friday or Saturday if you are able to)
- Please allow PLENTY of time to get to the event - expect delays as we try and get everyone parked! The address is 1754 Longbeach Road - normal travelling time from Ashburton is approximately 20 minutes but you need to at least double this for travelling pre-briefing times!
- Please remember this event is a 'challenge' not a 'walk in the park' - therefore you will come across obstacles such as creeks and uneven ground etc. Getting your feet wet is all part of the fun!
- The race is held on a working farm with stock animals and therefore no domestic animals are to be brought onto the property. Sorry - dogs must stay home! DO NOT leave them in vehicles in the carpark please. Also there are the usual hazards you would expect on a farm - such as beehives in nearby paddocks and pollen etc from the crops and surrounding vegetation so please bring along any medication you might need during the race - such as inhalers or antihistamines.
- This event is SMOKE FREE.
- We are very aware of the importance of biosecurity and the potential risk associated with travelling between farms. PLEASE ensure all bikes, vehicles and shoes are cleaned before the event. Please don't be offended if an event official asks you to clean your vehicle, bike, or footwear.
- Last year the site, very quickly, became congested with bikes - Please ensure bikes are kept out of the main site and stored in the area behind the marquees allocated for holding bikes while not in use please.
- PLEASE have a good read of our terms and conditions if you haven't already as these include a number of key safety instructions - such as keeping at least 2m from cliff edges, sticking to marked tracks and what to do in the case of an emergency.
- We hope you stay after your race and enjoy the hospitality and the prizegivings!